Newsletter for January 1 - January 8

Happy  New Year HLDT Family

Thank you God for bringing us through another year. May 2023 be filled with God’s blessings and much joy. 


Sun - 1/1

9a: Coffee + Fellowship

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise - Sunday Service

Monday - 1/2

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 1/3

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

6:30p: HLDT Corporate Prayer & Bible Study

Wed - 1/4

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 1/5

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

6:00p: HLDT Corporate Prayer

Fri - 1/6

12p: Prayer Line

Sat - 1/7

12p: Heirs of Promise Practice

1:15p: Praise Team Practice

Sun - 1/8

9a: Coffee + Fellowship

9:30a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

10a: Worship and Praise - Sunday Service


 1/8 Sister Ama

1/26 Brother Richard 


Holy Love is working out the final details for our HLDT Winter Fellowship. We will have all of the specifics to you soon, but for now, you can look forward to a beautiful evening of fellowship at the end of this month. As a reminder, we will be exchanging our Secret Blesser gifts at the Winter Fellowship. This ministry is a great opportunity to have fun finding gifts and get to know your church family a little better in the process. If you need a refresher on the name you drew in the exchange, you can talk to Sister Rae (children), Sister Ama (men), and Brother Kier (women).

If you would like to bless the Winter Fellowship, help with planning, or have any questions, please reach out to Elect Lady Raesheia. 


Praise Team Practice is each Saturday at 1:15pm. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please reach out to Sister Della. Thank You! Sister Della and Praise Team for blessing us with your gifts and leading us each week in song and praise. We are in need of a keyboard player; please pray with us that God will meet this need. 

Our Praise Dance Team will meet this Saturday at noon for practice. Heirs of Promise meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. In January, this will be the 7th and the 21st. If your child would like to be involved in this ministry, please reach out to Elect Lady Raesheia. 


We need help on Sunday mornings with the children’s ministry during the sermon. If you feel called to help with this please speak with Bishop. 


The ladies are still walking! Our HLDT women have shown great dedication through this ministry, walking in heat, rain, and snow; they have made many good friends along their walks, too. With the more extreme weather, they have been walking indoors. If you would like to join the Women’s Walking Group, please speak with Elect Lady Raesheia and she will add you to the text group. 


Come together to pray in unity with your church family. Corporate Prayer after Fasting on Tuesday (6:30pm, in Fellowship Hall and on the Call Line) & Thursday (6pm, Call Line only).

We also have Corporate Prayer on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Sanctuary, following Coffee and Fellowship.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Bishop.

-->>  Call In #: 540-792-0160, Pass Code: 532677


If you, or someone you know, is in need of anything, please reach out to Elect Lady Raesheia & she will help to coordinate meeting your needs.

Call in Line: 540-792-0160, Code: 532677

CashApp: $HolyLoveDT

Special Offerings:  We would like to thank the cheerful givers. If you would like to give a special benevolence offering, please speak with Bishop Nubine. 

Community Resources: Please use & share: If you know of a food, housing, insurance, schooling, childcare, etc resource available to our community, please share it with Sis Ama to include. 

HLDT Students: Please keep our students in your prayers and reach out with encouragement and support. You can speak with Sister Tia’ra and/or Sister Ronetta with any questions or to bless them.

Noon Prayer Line: Only on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 12pm. Tuesday & Thursday we have evening Corporate Prayer at 6:30 & 6pm.

HLDT Businesses: Please let us know about your personal or family business so we can share with our church family and on the website. Reach out to Elect Lady Raesheia or Sister Ama. 


Coffee and Fellowship: Sunday, 9am. No C&F on the 3rd Sunday of each month

HLDT Corporate Prayer: Sunday 9:30am., Tuesday 6:30pm, & Thursday 6pm. 

Worship: Sunday at 10am.

Friends and Family Sunday: Third Sunday 

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of the month

HLDT Prayer Line: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon.

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday & Thursday, until 12pm. 

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30pm., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Friday Night Service/Visual Bible Study: Fridays, 6:30pm.

Heirs of Promise: 1st & 3rd Saturday, 12pm. 

Praise Team Practice: Saturday, 1:15pm. 

Food Bank of the Rockies: Second Saturday of the Month, 8:45a-12p.


Newsletter for January 29 - February 5th


Newsletter for November 27th - December 4th