Newsletter for April 25th - May 1st


Monday - 4/25

12p: Prayer Line

Tues - 4/26

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Bible Study

Wed - 4/27

12p: Prayer Line

PM: Family Night

Thurs - 4/28

<< Fasting Until Noon >>

12p: Prayer Line

Fri - 4/29

12p: Prayer Line

6:30p: Friday Night Service

Sat - 4/30

1:15p: Praise Team Practice

Sun - 5/1

9a: HLDT Corporate Prayer

9:30a: Coffee & Fellowship

10a: Worship and Praise 


4/11 - Sister Kiki

4/17 - Pastor McCormick

4/19 - Lil’ Bro’ Joshua

4/24 - Lil’ Bro’ Donald

4/28 - Sister Jai


HLDT Corporate Prayer: Sunday, 9am.

Coffee and Fellowship: Sunday, 9:30am; no Morning Fellowship on May 15th. 

Worship: Sunday at 10am.

Friends and Family Sunday: Third Sunday of each month; May 15th. Brunch to follow service. 

Holy Communion: Last Sunday of each month; May 29th.

Weekly Fasting: Tuesday and Thursday, until noon.

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30p., on the phone and in the Fellowship Hall. 

Friday Night Service: Every other Friday; 6:30pm. April 29, May 13, and May 27.

Visual Bible Study: Every other Friday, 6:30pm; May 6 and May 20.

Heirs of Promise: 1st & 3rd Saturday, 12:00pm; May 7th and 14th.

Praise Team Practice: Saturday, 1:15p. 

Food Bank of the Rockies: 2nd Saturday each month from 1-4pm; May 14.

Nursing Home Ministry: Last Saturday of the month, 10:30a; April 30th and May 28th. 


HLDT Corporate Prayer - Holy Love has started coming together on Sunday mornings at 9am for Corporate Prayer. Due to this, morning fellowship has been moved to 9:30. All are welcome and encouraged. 

On Friends and Family Sundays, there will be no morning fellowship, but HLDT Corporate Prayer will still be held at 9am. 

 If you have any questions, please reach out to Bishop Harvey and/or Elect Lady Raesheia.


Mothers Day Brunch: Please fill out the sign up sheet, located in the Fellowship Hall, ASAP. Brunch will be hosted on Saturday, May 7th in the HLDT Fellowship Hall at 11am

This is a “moms only” event and we ask that you not bring children; Bishop will take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese during this time. If you have any questions or would like to support this brunch, please reach out to Elect Lady.

Special Children’s Dedication Service: For our children under 12, Sunday, May 15th, 2022; Eric Washington will be our Guest Musician. Participating children are asked to wear white. 

Church Picnic Fellowship: July 30th, 10am. Please reach out to Elect Lady to help plan this event or if you have any questions. 

** Event Support Needed: The next couple months are very busy for Holy love and we are looking for support and volunteers to work with hospitality and events leads. With so much going on we will need help from our church family to ensure all are a great success. Please please see Sister Paula to help with hospitality and see Sister Ama for support in events. 


Let others be a blessing to you.  A few single folks have been in need of babysitters and struggling with care. This is not a burden anyone has to carry alone. Many in the church are willing and available to assist. If you have an unmet need, please reach out to Elect Lady.


Our next service at Franklin Nursing Home will be this Saturday, April 30th at 10:30am. All ages welcome. Please reach out to Bishop or Elect Lady Raesheia if you have any questions. 

We will not have service in July. “Make up” date to be announced; likely 8/6. Please reach out to Bishop or Elect Lady if you have any questions. 


Tuesday Bible Study: We are finishing up with our Proverbs analysis and will begin a viewing of War Room starting in May. This will be a 3-part study and we are looking forward to our discussions. 

Friday Visual Bible Study: Every other Friday, (alternating with Friday Night Service) we will view Chosen Season II at 6:30pm. This ministry will meet on May 6th and 20th. If you have any questions, please speak with Bishop Harvey.


College Ministry: Please reach out to Sister Ronnetta to support and bless our college students. 

Heirs of Promise Practice: 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month at 12:00pm.

Please Share <3: Please let us know activities your children are involved in. Anything to highlight or report In regards to progress, recognition of something good they did. Let us know so we can acknowledge them.

Sunday Youth Classes: Bishop would like to have the 12 and up youth in service; younger children (1-6) will be in “children's room”; and elementary kiddos (7-11) will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Please speak to Elect Lady Rasheia to help support this ministry. 

Hospitality Ministry: Keep all non-water drinks in the Fellowship Hall. After eating, check around you for crumbs and sweep up, as needed. 

Make it Official: Please fill out a member information card, located in the Fellowship Hall.

Men’s/Women’s Fellowship: Canceled until the new program is completed.

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Newsletter for May 2nd - May 8


May Ministry Schedule